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سوال 1 از 3
1. سوال
2. Urban free-climber Claudette Dubois has climbed up the outside of some of the tallest structures in the world, including the Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House and the Petronas Twin Towers. Rewrite the direct questions in this interview with Claudette as indirect questions. Begin with the words given.
(1). How do you feel before you do a big climb?
(2). When were you last truly scared? Would you
(3). What did you want to be when you were growing up? I’d like
(4). Is there anyone famous you’d like to meet? Could
(5). How would you like to be remembered? I’d like
صحیح 5 / 5 امتیازهانادرست / 5 امتیازها -
سوال 2 از 3
2. سوال
1. Read the text and then write the questions. There are both object and subject questions.
William James Sid is was a child genius, born in the us in 1898. After his death, his sister claimed he was the most intelligent person who ever lived, with an IQ between 250 and 300. He could read at eighteen months. He had written four books and was fluent in eight languages before he was ten. Harvard University accepted him as a student when he was just twelve. After he graduated at sixteen, he joined Rice University as a maths professor. However, the students at Rice didn’t take him seriously because of his age and he left after only eight months. He went back to Harvard to study law. While he was studying law he became concerned with social issues, and in 1919 he was arrested while he was taking part in a political parade that turned violent. He spent eighteen months in jail. After his release from prison, he hid away and started writing books on subjects such as the universe, American history and psychology. William James Sidis died in 1944. -
(1). ? In 1898.
(2). ? His sister.
(3). ? Between 250 and 300.
(4). ?Harvard University.
(5). ?He was arrested.
(6). ? Eighteen months.
(7). ? In 1944.
صحیح 7 / 7 امتیازهانادرست / 7 امتیازها -
سوال 3 از 3
3. سوال
1. Choose correct option.
(1). There isn’t nobody – anybody reception.
(2). Nobody – Everybody checked our tickets on the train.
(3). We went something – somewhere nice to eat.
(4). James looked nowhere – everywhere for his phone.
(5). I don’t want to stay somewhere – anywhere that’s expensive.
(6). There isn’t anything – nothing to do in my village.
(7). Everything – Anything is so expensive here!
(8). Will anyone – someone help us with our heavy luggage?
(9). No one – Everyone in Dublin was so friendly. I really want to go back again.
صحیح 9 / 9 امتیازهانادرست / 9 امتیازها -