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0 از 1 سوالات تکمیل شد
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سوال 1 از 1
1. سوال
Fill in the Blanks
Place one of the new words in each of the blanks below.-
1. I left the city for a peaceful farm.
2. Professor Dixon liked the atmosphere of the university .
3. He tried to questions he didn’t know how to answer.
4. The of people wanted him to be president.
5. The guests began to for Thanksgiving dinner.
6. Christmas trees are a popular for many people.
7. Making a living for his family was too much of a .
8. I want to all the cities I haven’t visited.
9. If Gene doesn’t , he will get into serious trouble.
10. He had to do research on the of biology for a school report.
11. Historians will the causes of the war in Iraq.
12. Whether or not eighteen-year-olds should be allowed to vote was in for a long time.
صحیح 12 / 12 امتیازهانادرست / 12 امتیازها -