خلاصه آزمون
0 از 2 سوالات تکمیل شد
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0 از 2 سوالات به درستی پاسخ داده شدهاند
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0 سوال تشریحی معلق (امتیاز(های) ممکن: 0)
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- 1
- 2
- فعلی
- بررسی
- پاسخ داده شده
- صحیح
- نادرست
سوال 1 از 2
1. سوال
1. Complete Compound Adjectives with verbs from box using –ing forms and Past Participles.
hand – know – look – make price – sleeve – speak – work
(1). a well– football player
(2). a left– handball player
(3). a short– jacket
(4). a good– teacher
(5). an English– tour guide
(6). home- food
صحیح / 6 امتیازهانادرست / 6 امتیازها -
سوال 2 از 2
2. سوال
2. Complete text with Compound Adjectives formed from words in box.
500 – easy – fifty – five – full – going – hand – hard – minute over – page – priced – second – star – time – working
The first day at work
Congratulations! Having survived that demanding fifty-[minute]. interview. you’ve finally got the job you always wanted, and it’s a job, too. so you’ll be working nine to five. Tomorrow is your first day. So. how do you make a good impression? It doesn’t matter whether you have a job in a shop, selling old clothes and books. or a hotel. dealing with very rich guests prepared to pay £10 for an coffee in the luxurious bar, because whatever your job. you need to dress smartly. smile broadly and look confident when you arrive. You want your colleagues to think you are a friendly and person. and you want your boss to think you’re . so look busy and keen to do as much as you can. You need to get to know people, remember names, and ask questions. too; and if your new employer has given you a huge manual to read. make sure you read it! Remember that your colleagues will be judging you from day one. so make sure they judge you well.
صحیح / 7 امتیازهانادرست / 7 امتیازها -